Thursday, September 24, 2009

Riding ODe

fingers twitch
spines tingle
Hands grip
Feet press
Eyes water
knees flex
stomachs churn
hearts beat
ears listen
noses wrinkle

and she rides away

Mark Drake

Boss Stress

Been a very buzy summer. Lot of stress as the major accounts have been making us sweat the little details. THe Boss just passes the work load down on his slaves by directives and missing information.

Several times this summer TheBoss has moved up due dates of projects and I am on point to met the new goals. Been cutting corners to get the work done and today an example of his rush to market met with the lack of preperation due to lack of time and equipment.

The nite was spent working on a problem in the mind until I was able to get the solution at 3:00am. I got in at 6am and was able to make the engineering change to allow the next step of the proccess to continue. He just came in and rode us rather than help as usual.

Came close to walking out his attitude.